Monday, September 14, 2009

Bouncing betty

(This took place in class after our instructor told us about a type of land mine that can be set off by strong winds.)

Sam- "Sounds like some guys I know, can go off with just a stiff breeze!"

Things I learned in Tech School...

(My class was having a contest to see who could tie a cherry stem in a knot with their tongues, a skill that somehow relates to sexual ability. A marine in our class couldn't do it and we gave him a bit of a hard time.)

Roby- "I feel bad for your wife, Bearden!"

Bearden- "What? I am not gonna tie her vagina in a knot!!"

the Couleas Karma Sutra

(This transpired when an ARMY buddy of my brother's was asked by his future wife what his favorite sexual position was.)

Future Mrs. Couleas- "What is your favorite position?"

Couleas- "Blow Job."

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

black and white television

Sgt. Linda- "If there is a black entertainment channel, why can't there be a white entertainment channel?"

Sgt. Dixon- "Because the abbreviation would be WET and everyone would think it was a porn channel."

Horatio Hornblower

Sam- "Horatio Cane can suck it!"

Gault- "Maybe he should change his name to fellatio..."

(After I was describing my supreme hatred of CSI: Miami.)

hole in one... or not

Sam- "Where does it go? Right there?"

Hayward- "Wherever there's holes..."

(For the life of me I can't remember what we were talking about but we were in class and I wrote it in my notebook)